- Soul Soldiers: African Americans
- in the Vietnam Era
- Edited by Samuel W. Black
- I served as project director for this amazing look at soldiers who fought for their country while facing racism in the ranks and on the homefront.
- Clash of Empires:
- The British, French &
- Indian War, 1754-1763
- By R. Scott Stephenson
- I served as editor for this exhibition catalog that explores the war for control of North Ameerica, started by a small skirmish led by George Washington.
- Pittsburgh's Strip District: Around the World in a Neighborhood
- By Laruen Uhl & Tracy L. Coffing
- I served as editor for this wonderful history of the Strip, which grew from rural retreat to industrial titan to produce yards to tourist favorite and night spot.
- Industry and Infantry:
- The Civil War in
- Western Pennsylvania
- Edited by Brian Butko & Nicholas P. Ciotola
- Articles from eight decades of Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, range from the election of 1860 to the Pittsburgh Sanitary Fair.
- Memoir of Heart Mountain
- In 1942, more than 100,000 Japanese in the U.S. were sent to detention centers as a precaution against internal espionage and attack. The author of this memoir was a teen-ager in L.A. when he and his family were ordered to internment. He later became a professor of American history, so he writes with both first-hand knowledge and educated insight.
Also, read my back-cover blurbs on:
Amusement Parks of Pennsylvania
- By Jim Futrell
This Fantastic Struggle: The Life and Art of Esther Phillips
- By Lisa A. Miles
Read more at her website: http://www.lisamilesviolin.com/writing.html