Soul Soldiers: African Americans
in the Vietnam Era
Edited by Samuel W. Black
I served as project director for this amazing look at soldiers who fought for their country while facing racism in the ranks and on the homefront.
Clash of Empires:
The British, French &
Indian War, 1754-1763
By R. Scott Stephenson
I served as editor for this exhibition catalog that explores the war for control of North Ameerica, started by a small skirmish led by George Washington.
Pittsburgh's Strip District: Around the World in a Neighborhood
By Laruen Uhl & Tracy L. Coffing
I served as editor for this wonderful history of the Strip, which grew from rural retreat to industrial titan to produce yards to tourist favorite and night spot.
Industry and Infantry:
The Civil War in
Western Pennsylvania
Edited by Brian Butko & Nicholas P. Ciotola
Articles from eight decades of Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, range from the election of 1860 to the Pittsburgh Sanitary Fair.
Memoir of Heart Mountain
In 1942, more than 100,000 Japanese in the U.S. were sent to detention centers as a precaution against internal espionage and attack. The author of this memoir was a teen-ager in L.A. when he and his family were ordered to internment. He later became a professor of American history, so he writes with both first-hand knowledge and educated insight.

Also, read my back-cover blurbs on:

Amusement Parks of Pennsylvania
By Jim Futrell
This Fantastic Struggle: The Life and Art of Esther Phillips
By Lisa A. Miles

Read more at her website:

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