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Klondikes, Chipped Ham, & Skyscraper Cones: The Story of Isaly's
by Brian Butko
Isaly's is best known for inventing the Klondike bar, but the company also operated hundreds of dairy stores across Ohio and western Pa. (with 11 plants stretching to Iowa). Though most stores are gone, the company and Isaly family are remembered fondly for their generous ways.
I began researching Isaly's in 1992 when my employer, the Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, rescued a neon rooftop sign. I was shocked that nothing had been written on Isaly's other than a few scattered articles. Like my previous books, I wanted to capture some of the stories that were quickly fading.
Also like my other books, Isaly's has a fun veneer but there's a serious undercurrent. The name conjures images of ice cream and other foods, but Isaly's history reveals a lot about changing business patterns over the past century.
I met some wonderful people during my research, though sadly many have since passed away. I'm glad I was able to preserve their memories.
Its examination of how Isaly's was run would serve very well as a case study for a course in business administration.
Harold Aurand Jr., Greasy Spoon #16-17, Winter 2004
August 06: Someone asks the name of Isaly's cookie topped with marshmallow and covered in chocolate. If you know, drop us an e-mail.
03/29/04: Weirton Isaly's reopens as Our Place after half-year closed.
Spring 03: Isaly's introduces Old Fashioned Deli Ham.
08/23/02: Mac'n Cheese Bake-Off - Oct. 5 at History Center in Pittsburgh.
(Trib stories: #1, #2 and winning recipes in #3)
03/20/02: Mitchell's Deli, former Isaly's, closes
03/08/02: Isaly's owner opens 2nd store at Oven site
11/04/01: American cheese packs now in supermarkets.
07/30/01: September Playboy reviews the Isaly's book.
07/20/01: Homestead Isaly's closes.
07/16/01: One Word or Two, it was Good
07/05/01: Isaly Devotees Celebrated - (not March as web page states)
NOTE: Isaly's® and Klondike® are registered trademarks of Good Humor-Breyer's Ice Cream, Green Bay, Wisconsin. This site is not associated with the company.